Texture Haven是一个免版权纹理的网站,分辨率高达8k,完全免费。100% Free High Quality Textures for Everyone
免费的音效素材搜索,包含的素材种类非常多,特别适合经常做特效视频。Search the web for free sounds and sound effects
需翻墙-国外一个免费模型分享网站,囊括了各个领域和多种三维设计软件、素材。GrabCAD is the largest online community of professional engineers, designers & students. Learn about our 3D printing software GrabCAD Print & GrabCAD Shop
在线图片压缩,免费下载。Picdiet is a fast and robust online batch image filesize compressor written in JavaScript, images are compressed in your browser, completely free
优秀英文字体精选。Archive of freely downloadable fonts. Browse by alphabetical listing, by style, by author or by popularity.
开源的化学分子式编辑、查看、绘制工具,包含了化合物、蛋白质、光谱数据库。MolView is an intuitive, Open-Source web-application to make science and education more awesome!