纽约、伦敦、巴黎、米兰、东京、首尔等时尚城市最有型的街拍。Street Peeper is a global street fashion photo site, featuring the best street style from cities like New Yor...
需翻墙-以秀场后台的摄影为主,高清质感的后台照,同时有很多时尚资讯。Youth and pop culture provocateurs since 1991. Fearless fashion, music, art, film, politics and ideas from today's bleeding edge. Declare Independence.
AD110 是设计、建筑、广告、插画、摄影、艺术和创意人群最受推崇的中文互联网品牌之一,拥有全球最丰富的专业资源。2013年AGI(国际平面设计联盟)在伦敦召开全球会员大会期间,向全球会员介绍 AD110 是了解 AGI 的十大窗口之一;同年受邀担任AIGA(美国图形艺术设计研究院)策展人,The New York Times《纽约时报》等国际媒体曾专题报道,2017年AGI Open Paris巴黎年会 AD110 再次上榜...
国际上流行的时尚、美容和时装新闻报道,每天更新,让你了解时尚界最新动态。Women's Wear Daily brings you breaking news about the fashion industry, designers, celebrity trend setters, and extensive coverage of fashion week.
时尚芭莎的官方站,外国的,里面的时尚资讯都是最前沿的。Sophisticated, elegant and provocative, Harper's Bazaar is your source for fashion trends straight from the runway, makeup and hair inspiration, chic wedding and travel ideas, plus all of your movie, TV, and pop culture news.
需翻墙-日本时尚网站,几乎可以看到全球5大发布会所有品牌最新发布会图片。Curated by influential editors and opinion leaders, FASHION NET is the world's number one hub for fashion.