建筑/环境-国际案例为主,更新较快,作品有质量。Yatzer is a global online destination that allows readers to both discover and follow the most engaging creative projects and people in art, fashion, design, architecture and hospitality from around the world.
室内设计的维基百科-Houzz提供各种最新的家居设计、室内设计等资讯。Houzz is the new way to design your home. Browse 20 million interior design photos, home decor, decorating ideas and home professionals online.
需翻墙-国外一个免费模型分享网站,囊括了各个领域和多种三维设计软件、素材。GrabCAD is the largest online community of professional engineers, designers & students. Learn about our 3D printing software GrabCAD Print & GrabCAD Shop
这里有全球设计师聚集一起,敞开心扉、开放思想,交流设计。The goal of Archinect is to make architecture more connected and open-minded, and bring together designers from around the world to introduce new ideas from all disciplines. Archinect was initially developed in 1997 and has since become the top online destination for progressive-design oriented architects, students, educators, and fans.
全球最极致3D模型展示平台。With a community of over one million creators, we are the world’s largest platform to publish, share, and discover 3D content on web, mobile, AR, and VR.