其色板每一张均从基本颜色开始,然后逐渐扩充,创建出一套完整配色体系。Hey Designers & Developers! We've set of tools to help you quickly design & develop websites & apps. Tools include Material Color Palette, Flat UI Color Palette, Icons & more.
提供最好的扁平化UI设计配色方案,右上角有多种主色可供选择。In flatuicolorpicker you can select the best color for your next project in flat design. Choose the red CMYK color code to use it for printing design
配色-能够快速的帮助设计师们找到自己喜爱的配色方案,配色种类齐全。Hey Designers & Developers! We've set of tools to help you quickly design & develop websites & apps. Tools include Material Color Palette, Flat UI Color Palette, Icons & more.